
You might be a #BoyMom if

Let’s embrace the age of androgyny in which we live. And expand the definition of boy. Because my dad is old school and doesn’t think little guys should have GIRL HAIR.

It's high time we expand the definition of all things boy. To include ponytails and floral arranging. Boy moms, I think you'll agree.


You might be a #BoyMom if…

Little man likes to cook like Da-da


A tanker truck goes by and the appropriate response is, “Pass gas!”

Because potty jokes never get old.

Kiddo is really into firemen, policemen and floral arranging


You constantly chastise him for trying to be a tough guy

Because fun-loving violence never gets old.

B: Mommy, I’m going to shoot you.
Me: We don’t shoot people. And we don’t say that.
B: Rockets shoot into the sky.
Me: You make a good point.

Sweet boy loves purple and pink balls


Your mom-title has devolved

Because potty jokes never get old.

Hello, Mommy Dommy, Poopy Whoopy!

Jedis love tea parties


Your world is full of wrestle mania

Plus monster and super hero, duck capes. All the time.


The penis isn’t just for boys

B: Mommy, where’s your penis?
Me: I don’t have one. I’m a girl.
B: Ellie’s a girl and she has one.
Me: Her momma must be so proud. Hashtag RepealHB2.

Princess dresses make everyone happy

I don’t know, maybe he’s actually a king

What’s on your #BoyMom list? Comment below or share on Facebook at MothersRest.

For more #BoyMom adventures, check out the 10 penis rules for boys and also the penis chronicles.

4 thoughts on “You might be a #BoyMom if

  1. Ha!
    One time in an evening church service, Lee (4 or 5yrs old) folded up the bulletin into a “shooter” or gun. Everything is a gun at some age even if you never expose them to guns, somehow.
    I had to show our priest after the service because she didn’t have boys, only girls.

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